Today, on the occasion of World CX Day 2024, sharing some counter-intuitive right brained argument ( a paradox in itself!)
This platform is all about fact based logical discussions, but I am making a departure to operate from the softer, emotional, intuitive and cognitive centre of the brain.
First some stimulus -
Success is not about the money you make, it is about the difference you make in people’s lives!
If all businesses adopted this approach, the revenue and profits follow, of course! The sequence of chasing them is reverse though!
Chase the profits and they remain elusive, serve the customers and the profits come soaring in!
The Art & Science of Business-
Business requires a mix of both the art and the science. Often when we go deep into data science & data mining including machine learning, the outcomes, though valuable trend projections, tend not to “connect the dots” as far as true learning’s for customer insights are concerned.
Data alone misses the human factor. Which the why, there is so much talk about humanizing the digital economy.
Going beyond clicks, to knowing who it is at the other end and what is his/ her motivation that we are trying to resolve. Going beyond product architecture, to human centred design engineering to truly understand who will use, and how will they use it, down to the minutest detail. Going from sheer application design, to persona led UX navigation patterns and deploying data to identify who to serve what. It’s the human side of data.
Look at Relationships, one can do the most amount of research, apply all possible algorithms, and yet when it comes to getting into one, it takes a lot of doing. Then it is no longer about rationality alone – it’s another human, that involves emotions, motivations, feelings and so much more.
It’s the marriage of the science and art of marketing and consumer-insights based business.
Treat the Customer as your Partner.
Your customer is your partner in business. Just like your partner in life.
Deploy the very same principles in business, as you would, with your partner. Watch the game change!
Just as you would go the extra mile for your partner to understand him/ her every step of the way, communicate consistently and clearly, make extra efforts to build trust and transparency, love them with your heart and you get the same love back, you get the drift……
Having a die-hard obsession & love for your customer as a central theme for the business can completely transform it. Sounds too simple? Well, most breakthroughs are great, because they are simple. Simplicity is the Ultimate Sophistication.

Who is a partner?
Whether it be in life or in business, a partner is a special someone with whom you have chosen to make considerable investments in the mutual relationship. It is someone you have chosen to take along with you, in your life for a long period of time, possibly the entire lifetime.
Needless to say, in a partnership, both partners choose each other for the partnership to work amicably. Each of them have a clear priority for the other over other options in life and are willing to walk an extra mile, go to extended lengths in order to make the other happy. Of course, some things are a given – like loyalty, trust, honesty and consistent clear communication.
In a partnership, specially one chosen for a life, it is not just about choosing the right person to partner, but also about being the right person and doing the right things. It is about being the rock your partner can lean on, through good times and bad. It is about choosing the same person over and over again, without a doubt and then doing that again!
Someone who brings out the best in you and helps you become a better version of yourself. A safe place where commitment supersedes all storms and the resolve to stretch yourself beyond limits for your partner, is bigger than your own personal agenda.
All this sounds like familiar territory when it comes to love & spouse relationships. But can the same apply to business as well?
Not just to business partners ( where it must and does apply) but also to corporate-customer relationships?
A Successful business requires one simple thing – Customer Love
Love for customers, Love for simplicity and Love for success.
For someone once asked, what is the best medicine for all ills?
And the answer was LOVE.
And when it doesn’t work, “Increase the Dose!”
Increase your Customer Love, to see your business transform!
Copyright – C-XCEL 3rd Oct 2024